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Driver Hanvon Graphic Tablet Rollick

By : baim

This is driver for pen tablet Hanvon, quite old, and i believe it's rare because the hanvon site itself doesn't provide it anymore, so here you go, you can download from my google drive


there are 2 driver, so try all of them and see which one work.

It can work with windows 7, as for windows 8.1, its work fine for me, my windows 8.1 is windows 8.1 enterprise. I don't know about other version of windows 8.1, i tried it once with other version of 8.1 and it doesnt work!, so i guess it just enterprise, but it's better to try your luck. And please let me know if it's work on your windows. Thanks^^

The Role Of Programming Concepts In Making Final Thesis

By : Unknown

The Role Of Programming Concepts In Making Final Thesis

Hi there, my name is Baim and in this post i will tell you about "The Role of Programming Concepts in Making Final Thesis" . Hmm sounds interesting right , we will talk about it to the root of it, lets go !

The Compsphere ! 

I went to President University Compsphere on 16-17 November 2016, it's an yearly event by PUMA Computing. On that event there are many agenda, and one of them is "Thesis Exhibition", basically the Thesis Exhibition is showing many thesis from President University Alumi, not only that, they will also explain you about how it made and what component it use, and there is where Programming Concepts really take role.!

here are photo of Opening Speak of Compsphere by PUMA computing 

Thesis Exhibition 

Finally, after the opening speech by comittee of PUMA Computing, we get permission to take a look at the thesis exhibition, there are so much thesis they showed to us, 29 Thesis from the alumni were there. My first walk is to "ARKIALL" thesis, take a look at this picture 

The thesis were created by TiasAdiyatna , he use Programming Concept by combining unity player and C# Programming languange. In Programming concept we learn all the basic of C Languange !

ARKIALL were created by using C#, one of C languange family that we learn on Programming concept, this game has feature to play or pause the game , it might use : 
- cin.get() 
- system("pause")
that we learn on programming concept !

Sea Of Thesis

So much thesis, we can barely swim on it , lol . I will show you all the thesis i saw there , i don't take some of the example because its so crowded there. Let's take a look 

[ Somewhere In Dream ]

This one were created by VienyAstry , it's a horror game ! , yeah there are another horror game made by Indonesian other than DreadOut, lol. This game created using C# and UnityPlayer , it has feature of camera movement, player movement, interact with object, pause, and game over. We also learn all of that in programming concept, probably using : 
- float
- bool
- if 
- and a lot of void 
In Programming Concept , we learn all of that .

[Assembly Instruction with augmented reality]

This one were the bomb , thesis of Ismandra Eka Nugraha . Just with our phone we can see 3D model came alive in our camera. The program also use C# and Unity to made. we can also see from different angel , this one surely need many programs in it 

[Solar system mania]

For all you the maniac of the solar system, here you go !. This thesis provide the whole info you need to know about solar system , from the surface, volume, and even a 2D animation that roll , amazing !. For this one we will need to learn HTML languange and Programming Concept, Combine two of them and boom ! There you have it .

That's all i can show you now, just kidding there'll be a lot more at down. But , for now let's just relax and listen to the song , whoo! Music Comunity of President University Performance are there 


The Rest Of The Thesis 

Here you go pall, you can click the image to read it . Enjoy ! 

end of exp


 That's all i will share to you , thankyou for visiting and reading my blog ^_^ . The last picture was 4.PM, and the Compsphere is about to finish , there's a lot of thing i learn from this event, and of course the important of Programming Concept. Bye byee !~

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